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What is Diabetes?

For the millions of Americans and others all over the World who are effected by diabetes, its effects can be very serious. However, it is usually possible to treat diabetes, so that the individual can live a full and healthy life. This article discusses what diabetes is and the different types of diabetes.

Insulin Pens and Insulin Shots

For those with Insulin Dependent Diabetes, such as Type I Diabetes, it will likely be necessary to take at least one insulin shot per day. Insulin shots are typically self administered and children as young as 10 years old can be taught to give themselves an insulin shot. Diabetic pens can also be used and are similar to insulin shots, but some people find that they are easier to use.

The Different Types of Diabetes Explained

There are several common types of diabetes, including Type I Diabetes, Type II Diabetes, and Gestational Diabetes, as well as some diseases that share diabetic like symptoms. Often, the treatment will be very similar, including improving diet, monitoring glucose levels, and preforming regular exercises, but there are also some specific differences in the way each of these types of diabetes is treated.

Symptoms and Causes of Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that can affect people of any age. There are a number of symptoms that can be found in someone who is diabetic, with these symptoms often providing the first indication of diabetes. As a result, it is important to understand the symptoms of diabetes mellitus and speak with a doctor if any are present.

Diabetes: Methods of Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system, which affects how sugars are used and processed. Since a high blood sugar level can be very dangerous to someone with diabetes, part of the treatment involves carefully monitoring blood sugar levels. There are several ways this can be done, but most people use a blood glucose meter to measure, which allows them to instantly check glucose levels at home and away.

Treatment of Insulin Dependent and NonInsulin Dependent Diabetes

While there are several different types of diabetes, this endocrine disease can basically be categorized as insulin dependent diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes. These two types of diabetes share many similarities, but are typically treated in a different manner. Since they must be treated differently, it is imperative to accurately diagnose the diabetes and determine which type the patient has.

Complications Caused by Diabetes

Diabetes can often be managed through proper diet and careful attention to blood sugar levels. However, if improperly treated, diabetes can cause a number of very serious health conditions. This includes Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia, and Ketoacidosis. Typically, these types of conditions are referred to as short term risks of diabetes, because despite being very serious, these conditions can largely be prevented. However...

Type I Diabetes

Type I Diabetes, or Insulin Dependent Diabetes, is a very serious disorder, which if left untreated can result in serious health problems. However, with a healthy diet and attention to blood sugar levels, it is possible to live with diabetes. There are a number of complications that are associated with diabetes, but in most cases these can be prevented. In America and across the World, Diabetes is becoming much more common, so an understanding of Type I Diabetes is important.

Type II Diabetes

Type II Diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and affects over 11 Million Americans every year. While Type II Diabetes and Type I Diabetes share a number of similarities, they both affect the body in different ways. This article discusses Type II Diabetes and its symptoms...

Understanding Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia, and Ketoacidosis

There are a number of conditions that are caused as a result of diabetes. The most common of these conditions are Hyperglycemia, Hypoglycemia, and Ketoacidosis, which relate to blood sugar levels. Usually these conditions can be prevented with careful glucose monitoring, proper diet, and regular exercise, but for those who are diabetic, it is important to understand what these conditions are and their effects.

Diabetes and Circulatory Disorders

There are a number of complications that can be caused by diabetes, but some of the most serious problems are a result of the way diabetes affects blood vessels. There are a number of circulatory and vascular diseases that can be caused by diabetes.

Health Risks Associated With Diabetes

There are a number of different health conditions that someone who has diabetes is at an increased risk for developing. When diabetes mellitus is properly treated, most of the health risks associated with this endocrine disease can be avoided. However, in some cases no matter how diligently the diabetes is looked after, complications will still occur.

Insulin Glargine Shown to be Effective at Controlling Glucose Levels During Surgery

When preforming surgery that requires general anesthesiology on those with diabetes, there are a number of health risks that can occur. One of the greatest risks is that hyperglycemia will occur as a result of hormones produced. These hormones are produced because the surgery stresses the body and result in increased mortality rates for those with diabetes who undergo surgery. In a recent study, scientists found that using Insulin Glargine may be more effective at controlling glucose levels than using th

Basic Small Engine No Start Diagnostics

Often, fixing a lawnmower or other small engine comes down to understanding how to diagnose a non-starting motor. This is why understanding how a motor works can make troubleshooting much easier.

Cancer and Cell Mutation

One of the ways that cancer affects the body is that it mutates cells that would be otherwise healthy. The mutated cells are not properly detected by the immune system and soon replicate, causing the cancer to spread throughout the body.

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