
Cancer Risk Factors

There are many factors that can cause cancer or increase the risk of developing cancer. With around 200 different types of cancer, identifying the risk factors of cancer is very important.

It is important to keep in mind that many of the risk factors of cancer are not mutually inclusive to other types of cancer. That is to say, that something that can cause skin cancer, such as using tanning booths, will not also cause lung cancer.

There are also usually a number of factors that go into causing cancer, so it is seldom just one event or action that results in cancer. In this way, cancer is a multi-factorial disease, which means it is caused by many factors. Factors that cause cancer are referred to as carcinogens.

  • Age: Age is one of the most common factors associated with cancer, with the majority of those with cancer being over the age of 65. Of course, cancer can affect people of any age, but with age, there are many changes to the body, which also result in changes to the structure of cells, a leading cause of cancer. It can also take a very long time for cancer to develop, so this is also a factor regarding age.
  • Genetics and Family History: Cancer does not occur instantly, instead a number of changes occur in the bodies cells, with each change bringing the cell one step closer to being cancerous. As genes are passed down from father to son and so on, it is possible for these changes to be passed down as well. That means that the cells are already moved a few steps towards being cancerous. Breast cancer is one example, with a gene being identified that increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer, although it is not a leading risk factor of breast cancer.
  • Immune System: Those who have an existing problem with their immune system are more likely to develop some kinds of cancer. For instance, those who have aids, are more likely to develop lymphoma. People who have had an organ transplant and must take organ regection drugs, are also at increased risk.
  • Diet: There are many that blame food additives for cancer, although this is a gray area, as often the amount of the additive used is not enough to cause cancer. Not eating enough fruit and eating foods too high in animal fat can also increase the risk of cancer.
  • Environmental Factors: There are many environmental factors that can increase the risk of cancer. This includes UV rays from the sun or tanning booths, cigarette products, and asbestos. In many cases, these factors can be largely avoided, although this is not always the case.
  • Viruses: Cancer is not caught in the same way you would catch a cold, however there are some viruses and infections that can increase the risk of developing cancer.

Since some of these risk factors can be avoided or reduced, it can be very important to understand the risk factors of cancer.

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