
Diabetes: A Brief Introduction


Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that results in insulin resistance or insulin dependence. Diabetes Mellitus has Latin roots and refers to sweetness or or mellitus, which is passed in the urine,. The passing of blood sugar is a characteristic of the disease.

Today, diabetes is the most common disease in the United States, which is in part due to an aging population and one that is more likely to be overweight, both of which are factors in the development of diabetes.

At its most basic, diabetes occurs when an individual has too much sugar, or glucose, in their blood. The high blood sugar level is caused by either not enough insulin or a resistance to its effects. Insulin is produced by the pancreas, which is a very thin organ about as long as your hand. It is located behind the stomach and is very important for the digestive process.

In a healthy body, the pancreas produced insulin and other enzymes that help to metabolize, or break down, food. These enzymes turn the food into energy, which is used by all organs in your body, including your brain. The glucose level changes in a healthy body in relation to different factors, such as stress or fear.

However, in someone with diabetes, the insulin either does not work or not enough is produced. This can result in an abnormally high blood glucose level, which causes a number of health problems.

One of the symptoms of diabetes is excessive urination. Diabetes also plays a role in about 75% of all kidney failures. This is in part because the kidney serves as a blood sugar manufacturing and storage plant. When your blood sugar is too high, the kidney stores excess sugar so you can use it later. When it is too low, a special enzyme called glucagon is released that turns the stored sugar, which is called glycogen, into glucose. Since in a diabetic individual, the glucose is not being properly used, this process is thrown off, often resulting in excessive glucose output in the urine.

There are two main types of diabetes, although each of these have several subsets. Type II diabetes is the most common and usually occurs in those over the age of 40. In Type II diabetes, the body builds up a resistance to insulin. Around 90% of those with diabetes have Type II diabetes.

Type I diabetes is more common in children and adolescences, although it can occur in individuals who are up to 30 years of age. In Type I diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or in some cases it does not produce any at all. This type of diabetes is less common, accounting for 5% to 10% of all cases of diabetes.

If left unchecked, diabetes can be a very serious condition, with a number of health related complications. However, through careful monitoring of your blood sugar level, regular exercise, close attention to diet, and medicine, most people with diabetes will be able to live a healthy and long life.

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