Treatment of Insulin Dependent and NonInsulin Dependent Diabetes
Author: tiger Published Under: Health
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that is growing increasingly more common in the United States and other Western Countries. Diabetes causes the body to improperly handle glucose, which is a type of sugar used as an energy source in the body. There are two Types of Diabetes, specifically Type I and Type II Diabetes, which differ in how the body handles and breaks down the glucose.
In Type I Diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin, which is a hormone that is used to break down the glucose and turn it into energy. In Type II Diabetes, the body produces insulin, but it becomes immune to its effects, so can no longer successfully break down the glucose.
In both types of diabetes, a big part of treating the disease involves carefully monitoring the blood sugar level, which is often referred to as glucose monitoring, and taking action when it drops too low or is too high.
Treating Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Insulin Dependent Diabetes, or Type I Diabetes, will require daily insulin shots, in addition to a healthy diet and regular exercises. It is important to limit ones sugar intake, instead eating other foods, such as carbohydrates, which can offer energy and are easier to break down.
A set schedule of eating and insulin shots will usually develop over time, as an individual eats food to raise their blood sugar level and administers insulin shots to lower it. Finding the proper balance will take time, but eventually the disease can effectively be controlled.
Treating Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes
For individuals with Type II Diabetes, which is also referred to as Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes, a healthy diet is very important as is regular exercise. Since the body is still likely producing enough insulin, insulin shots are not generally used to treat Type II Diabetes, because this does not address the problem of insulin resistance. Instead, there are several type of prescription medicines that can help the body decrease its insulin resistance. Often, at least in its early stages, diet and exercise will be sufficient to treat Type II Diabetes.
Since there are a number of factors and health risks associated with diabetes, it is very important to speak with a doctor to determine what is the best type of treatment. For most with diabetes, the disease can be controlled and an average life lived, but it is important to understand both the effects and symptoms of diabetes, as well as how it is treated.